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Earth’s Atmosphere Layers | Structure of Atmosphere

Earth’s Atmosphere Layers | Structure of Atmosphere

a Glass House. It allows small wavelength solar – radiation to reach the Earth’s surface but resist long wavelength terrestrial radiation by absorbing it and maintains a specific temperature on the earth’s surface.

Atmospheric dispersion of rays coming from the sun is the due to the dust particles, because of which the colour of the sky appears blue.
In the bottom of atmosphere heavy gases such as Carbon Dioxide up to 20 km, Oxygen up to 100 km is found. Inactive gases such as helium, neon, and krypton are found in the upper part of the atmosphere.  

Layers of Atmosphere and Definition of Atmospheric Layers:

The atmosphere is divided into following 5 levels –


This is the lowest layer of the atmosphere. The hight of this layer is 8 km on the poles and 18 km at the equator. Development related to changes in weather such as tornado, storm, cyclone, and rain etc. occurs in the same layer. The temperature in this layer is reduced with hight.


It extends over 50 kilometers of the troposphere. At the bottom of the Stratosphere in between 20 and 35 km is the primacy of the ozone gas. Hence it is also called the “Ozone System”. Ozone gas absorbs the excess of harmful rays coming from the sun and thus provides a protective shield to the earth. The temperature is constant in the lower part of the Stratosphere but it increases in the upper part. The rate of increase in temperature is 5 degrees Centigrade per 1 kilometer. The transportation of the airplane is in Stratosphere.


From 50 to 80 kilometers above the stratosphere is the expansion of the Mesosphere. The key feature of this layer is diminishing in temperature with height. The nitrogen, nitrogen oxides, etc are in primacy in this layer.


Ionspher is expanded from 80 to 640 kilometers. In this layer, the temperature increases with height. This layer is characterized by the occurrence of the electrical and magnetic phenomena. The air in the atmosphere is electric charged particles, due to which start flashing the electrical discharge of the air.
Broadcasting on Radio Television on earth is possible because of the ionosphere.
The radio waves from earth are reflected in this sphere and return to Earth. Satellite communications are installed in the same system.


This is the outermost layer of the atmosphere is considered to be extended to approximately 10,000 kilometers. The sphere is dominated by a light gas such as hydrogen and helium. In this layer, the temperature remains high due to solar radiation.

Quick Facts about Atmosphere:

  • 97% part of the atmosphere is present in up to 30 km height.
Click here to read about Types of Rock
  • The maximum range of the atmosphere is considered up to 10,000-kilometers.
  • In atmosphere along with gases water vapours, smoke, dust, etc., are also found.

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